Every time I step out onto Shirley’s Patio at Beit T’Shuvah and look down at the brick I purchased 9 years ago, I am overwhelmed by a sense of pride and joy. Beautifully engraved into the very foundation of Beit T’Shuvah – the home that saved my life 18 years ago and that continues to save countless lives every day – are the words “With Eternal Gratitude, The Rosen Family.” On any given day, residents, staff, and community members who stroll the patio are reminded of the miracle of second chances as they experience recovery, connection, hope, and promise.
The Brick by Brick Campaign invests in current residents, alumni, staff, our community, and the lifesaving work of Beit T’Shuvah by directly contributing to the construction of our facility.
It is my dream to see the entire patio filled with the names of supporters, alumni, congregants, grantors, and grateful families, and it is my hope that your name will be among them. These bricks form the hub of our sacred home, and I invite you to be part of Beit T’Shuvah’s permanent legacy by purchasing a brick to honor someone you love or as a testament to your commitment to our mission.
With gratitude for your support,
Avia Rosen
Director of Development