Zac Jones

Director of Clinical Services

After completing the Beit T’Shuvah program, Zac Jones realized that his purpose was to help others recover and that he needed to give back to the organization that saved his life. After working in multiple positions, over the course of ten years, Zac Jones is now Beit T’Shuvah’s Director of Clinical Services. He has earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, and is a Certified Alcohol Drug Counselor. Zac is tasked with supervising our Addiction Counselors, other departments, and personnel within the clinical program. 

Working alongside the Clinical Management Team, Zac oversees much of the day-to-day operations in the treatment program, always focusing on the highest level of resident care. He also leads the BTS Summit Program, a program that takes residents on hikes on some of California’s tallest mountain peaks creating a therapeutic experience in nature. The message of Beit T’Shuvah is close to Zac’s heart and is shown every day through his work and dedication.



Phone: 310.204.5200 x252