“The spiritual work that we are obligated to be involved in now will likely lead to further work…and that is a blessing.. It might not always feel like it, but that is a blessing,” shares Beit T’Shuvah’s Director of Spiritual Care and Programming, Chaplain Adam Siegel. Since his arrival, Beit T’Shuvah has been blessed with his work.

Fourteen years ago, Chaplain Adam Siegel’s journey with Beit T’Shuvah began when The Partners in Prevention program presented at CSUN Hillel.  Chaplain Adam was serving as the Assistant Director of Hillel, the Jewish Student Center, and he and the students alike were completely enthralled by the program’s braziness, passion, and relevancy.

Several years later while Adam was pursuing his studies in Jewish chaplaincy, he searched for an innovative place to do meaningful spiritual work. He remembered Beit T’Shuvah and began as a part-time spiritual counselor for the residents. He became a full-time staff member in 2012 and his role has continued to expand. Now, he is in charge of all of BTS’s spiritual care and programming.  Over his years here, Chaplain Adam’s impactful work has ranged from the personal to the societal. Beyond helping residents reconnect with their own holy souls, Chaplain Adam has worked to connect the Beit T’Shuvah community to the larger community by participation in social justice and community service initiatives, both on the street corners and in the halls of government. “Our residents need to know that social justice means more than just laws in books. We feed the homeless, register voters, and support legislation consistent with the Beit T’Shuvah mission. We have an obligation to share our blessings with others.” Chaplain Adam’s enthusiasm about social justice is contagious.

Leading multiple groups a week, as well as meeting with his individual clients, Chaplain Adam is always busy tending to the care of our residents’ spirits. Yet his demeanor, kindness, and radiant smile never waiver. Chaplain Adam’s attitude and enthusiasm are a constant reminder of what spirituality truly means. Especially, as he leads the residents in Big Ethics every week. Big Ethics, a group discussion of philosophy and ethics in relation to Jewish Law and modern day morality, can be a tough task with a room full of recovering addicts. Yet, you’d be hard pressed to find a resident who has not learned something about themselves, the world, the connections that bind us all, after walking out of Chaplain Adam’s Big Ethics group.

Chaplain Adam is an indispensable part of Beit T’Shuvah. We are all so grateful that on his soul searching journey to become a chaplain, he found us…and we found him. For the last twelve years, he has brightened the hearts and widened the smiles of every resident, staff, and community member he has come in contact with. The work that Chaplain Adam does every day reminds all of us what a blessing he is.

Spotlight on Chaplain Adam by Steven C.

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