Freedom what?
By interweaving a Passover Seder with personal stories of addiction, Freedom Song poses one stark question: “WHAT ARE YOU A SLAVE TO?” The cast of Freedom Song is not a cast of actors; they are actual addicts in recovery that have broken off the shackles of drugs, alcohol, gambling, and other destructive behaviors. Using song and dance, tears and laughter, and an intense post show discussion with our cast, Freedom Song will open your eyes to the real life struggle against the “bondage of self” that we all fight every day.
Freedom Song’s
Instead of merely being a spectator, the youth in this program are invited to actively participate in a performance of Freedom Song. They will have the opportunity to role-play with a script on a set stage and confront certain issues they have never had to deal with before in a way that is both personal and profound.
Our goal for this workshop is to increase positive attitudes and positive social behavior among today’s youth, while reducing substance abuse, and emotional distress. By actually assuming the roles in Freedom Song, kids have the opportunity to connect to their emotions in a more insightful way than is possible by simply being an audience member. This experience leads to an open and honest discussion about addiction.
“Stamford resident Gail Karlitz knows all too well the toll that having an addict in the family can take. ‘I have a loved one who says that she would rather have any other disease in the world because people wouldn’t blame her for it,’ she explains […] ‘It’s an amazing emotional, gut-wrenching experience that makes you think about what’s going on in your family and how it relates to Judaism.’”
“Freedom Song is the most powerful and emotional performance that every parent and teenager should see together.”
“Freedom Song has become a regular part of our summer program at BCI. The honesty conveyed in the words—both spoken and sung—never fail to touch everyone in the audience. The insight gained into the struggle with addiction is priceless…”
“I was honored to bring Freedom Song to the Coachella Valley. It was a phenomenal experience for me as well as for the packed audience. There were few dry eyes and fewer hearts that were not touched by the honest emotions expressed by the cast.”
“I was always too afraid to discuss what went on behind closed doors in my family. I was ashamed. This play made me feel a lot less alone, like I wasn’t the only one whose family had problems.”