The Wisdom to Know the Difference:
Channeling Light
On December 18, 2022, Join Beit T’Shuvah in partnership with Or HaLev for a day of contemplative meditation practice in community. Let us deepen our capacity for wisdom and freedom in sobriety. We hope to shed the light of Hanukkah and our tradition on our minds, hearts, spirits and journeys in recovery.
This retreat is open to all, from beginner to advanced meditators, and holds communal Jewish practice in a loving open pluralistic Jewish space.
Meet Your Teachers

Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg
served as a congregational rabbi for seventeen years. She has also worked in the fields of Jewish community relations, Jewish education and Hillel. She has published widely on such topics as feminism, spiritual direction, parenting, social justice and mindfulness from a Jewish perspective and has contributed commentaries to Kol HaNeshama, the Reconstructionist prayer book. Rabbi Weinberg has taught mindfulness meditation and yoga to rabbis, Jewish professionals and lay people in the context of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. She serves as a spiritual director to a variety of Jewish clergy including students and faculty at HUC-JIR in New York. She is creator and co-leader of the Jewish Mindfulness Teacher Training Program. She is married to Maynard Seider and they have three married children and six grandchildren.

Shira Abramowitz
is a meditation teacher, social impact leader, and community-builder. She completed the Institute for Jewish Spirituality JMMTT teacher training program, and teaches meditation for various programs online and in-person. She is the founder and executive director of Summit Impact, a 501(c)(3) focused on activating the power of community for social good. And a co-founder of Up & Up Creative, an agency focused on program design, events, and social impact campaigns. Shira holds a bachelors in commerce from McGill University and a masters degree in Mind, Brain, and Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where she focused on social cognitive neuroscience and adult group learning.
8:00am Arrival & Registration
9:00am Introduction to retreat and to silence
9:30am Chanting/Morning Prayers- led by Shira and Sheila
10:15am Sitting meditation with Instructions
11am Yoga/movement
12:15pm eating meditation
12:30pm Lunch – silent
1:30pm Sitting meditation with Q and A
2:45pm Walking meditation with instruction
3:15pm Small groups to share experience, facilitated by staff
4:15pm Sitting meditation
5pm Walking meditation
5:30pm Sitting
6pm Dinner – silent
7pm Lighting Hanukkah candles , silent gazing at candles
7:30pm Evening talk, maariv moment, short sit
9pm End time
At Beit T’Shuvah and Or HaLev, we believe in the spirit of generosity as an essential part of practice. We also acknowledge that financial abilities differ for everyone. We strive to make this retreat accessible to those who wish to participate, regardless of ability to pay. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you would like to attend but cannot afford the below rates, please reach out to Emma Bornstein at
Retreat prices reflect the direct operating costs of running this retreat. None of your payment goes to support the teachers. Rather, at the end of the retreat, you will be invited to donate, to make an offering of the heart, to support the teachers and this practice.
This event is priced on a sliding scale. Please consider paying at the highest rate that you are able to. Your generosity enables this retreat to happen and helps support Beit T’Shuvah’s activities and grows our community.