Nathan Roth
Cantorial Soloist
Nathan Roth grew up in Pittsburgh, PA where he always had a passion for singing. Throughout his younger years, he was involved in various state and national honor choirs as well as theater productions. He also helped his mother teach music in the religious school at Adat Shalom, where he had his bar mitzvah. Nathan studied vocal performance at Baldwin-Wallace College. After college, he moved back home with little direction; this started a cycle of drug use and rehab stays.
In September of 2016 while in treatment in Ohio, his mother had an encounter with the mother of a childhood friend who was currently a resident at Beit T’Shuvah. After speaking with the founder of Beit T’Shuvah, Harriet Rossetto, and intake coordinator, Lisa Harrison, on the phone, he felt ready to start a new life in recovery. As a resident, Nathan became an intern with the music department, which at the time was run by Glenn Goss and overseen by Rabbi Mark, both of whom became close friends and mentors. As an intern, he became involved in the congregation, singing with cantor Shira Fox and eventually leading services on his own. He is currently under the mentorship and tutelage of Cantor Nathan Lam. He is grateful to his family, friends, and many teachers for helping him move towards his new path in life.
Nathan has served as Cantorial Soloist and music department supervisor since 2019. He hopes to help guide the residents through their recovery while taking their next steps on their spiritual journey. Along with this, he sees a future where Jews all around the world can realize the importance of addiction awareness and that a place exists that was built to help them. Of course, on top of it all, he works hard every Shabbat to bring rhythmic prayer and melodic meditation to every one of our congregation members. Music is Nathan’s life, Spirituality is Nathan’s soul, and we are blessed that he shares them both with us every single day.
Email: nroth@beittshuvah.org