Our Mission
Broken Souls
Beit T’Shuvah’s mission is to heal broken souls and save the lives of those wrestling with addiction by providing integrated care in a community setting. We believe everyone has the right to redemption, which is why we never turn a single soul away due to their inability to pay.

our philosophy
Whole Selves
Addiction is a symptom of a divided self; an unhealthy dependence on substances or compulsive activities to provide a temporary sense of wholeness and well-being. Through a community rooted in the spiritual principles of Judaism, authenticity, and transparency, Beit T’Shuvah members are taught to live in concert with their own inner value, dignity, and Kedusha: holiness. We believe everyone has the right to redemption, which is why we never turn a single soul away due to their inability to pay… allowing all who wish, to make T’Shuvah.

our vision
Lives of Passion
and Purpose
We envision a generation where substances and compulsive behaviors are no longer used to provide a temporary sense of wholeness and wellbeing and instead where individuals live integrated lives of passion and purpose in authentic connection with others.